Tuesday, July 14, 2020

There Is But One Prod

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
— Phil Karlton

Let's say that whenever your software company ships its product to actual customers, it is promoted to a branch named "Prod" or something like that.

Let's also say your team builds software whose users are all internal to the company. That is to say, it is never publicly released. None of your company's customers are ever going to see it.

In such a situation, don't let your team name their own release branch Prod also. Prod (or its equivalent) should always mean one thing and one thing only: this software is available to actual customers.

If your internal dev team is releasing its internal tool on a branch called "Prod", it gets confusing for other people. It happens. And this confusion is totally avoidable. It's an unforced error. Call your branch something else.

There is but one Prod, and thou shalt have no other Prods before it.

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